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» Poem: All Hallow's Eve
All Hallow's Eve
written by Misery
05:37 PM 7/7/04
All Hallow's Night was the Eve
the night when all Dark Creatures arise
fromall their crypts they came
they gave up their darkness to see once again the human day
but today what will they find
nothing truly new
still they are feared
still they are alone
still they are redicueled
still from happiness and peace they are refused
on this Night they travel through their burrial grounds
they travel the dark streets that lead from their homes
for One Night they return to the World they left
and see the cruelty and misery of the land
once the dawn comes, the creatures return to their homes
they return to the dark and now sleep for another year
until All Hallow's Night come again
and the Dark Creatures return once again
to see the new pain of the Human World...

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
*Don't Judge Unless You Understand*

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