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» Poem: the beast
the beast
written by Misery
06:46 PM 7/7/04
the end is here
break the mirrors
fear the beast
it wil feast
at least we;re here together for the end
mend the minds
find out how to stop what is coming
a humming that is haunting fills the silent air
is this fair
we dont even care
bare all the lose of those who r lost
thought that we could fight the all powerful knight
light never comes
spennd the funds
this wasn't fun
nothing is left to b won
sung a sinphonie of screams
these aren't dreams
look at all the fiends
u have to go to the extreme
it seems hard but it's the only way to stay
days stand still
kill the beast
to end it's feast
we r to weak
try to b a sneak
take a peak
now only the week r lost ...

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
*Don't Judge Unless You Understand.*

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