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» Poem: Colder
written by Leave it to Beaver
07:51 PM 2/6/05
I had a poem, couldn't remember it.
Walking down the school hall, last December it
seemed to be so cold and clean outdoors,
walking down those dark and lonesome halls.
I think I saw a friend, but I couldn't tell
whether they had seen me too, probably just as well.
I sat and wondered where my life will go,
like a rock in a strong stream; against the flow
of nature. Mankind strides to seek perfection
without thought of Earth's neglection.
Can we change it?
Is there time to rebuild what we have lost?
It is cold on the outside,
But inside I feel
Deeper frost.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I used this to help smarterchild do her Homework, but it feels a waste not to put it here. Hey, Is anyone reading this? At all?

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