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» Poem: why
written by Death Tone
03:53 AM 2/8/05
Everything I have everything I want
Is and can be taken away from me at the blink of an eye
I sit here in tears wondering why you hurt me so bad
Once is never enough
A continuous web of pain is weaved around my soul
My thoughts of suicide the only thing that puts a smile on my face
But I don’t have thee guts to go through with it
Every time I try I think what if you do love me
But its getting to the point now where I have nothing to lose
I have two paths in front of me
One with my hope and dreams
The other with my nightmares
Everything thing I have ever feared
It seems no matter how hard I try to go down the path of my dreams
My life is always pulled in the other direction
I don’t know what to do anymore
Maybe I should end it all
Or maybe I should continue to fight
But one things for sure
I cant take much more of this

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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