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» Poem: Zen on a Tuesday
Zen on a Tuesday
written by Sugar Free
06:40 PM 2/8/05
Zen is like an adventure on tuesday. This is the point in the weke where you think that you have zen all figured out.. but you have that strange feeling in the pit of yourstomach that makes your skin tingle and your heart beat faster. The feeling of unpredicable bliss.. it was like you were walking down the street.. the same street you find yourself walking down everyday.. but this Tuesday you have found yourself lost.

You look around you.. and you know Zen is there. Zen has done this to you. You lost yourself in Zen the recuer of your mundane routine lifestyle. A sensation of fear washes your boring life away as you frantically run throughout the newly discovered feilds off Zenness... You hear a sound that makes you rurn around.. then the sound replays its self.. now this time a head.. it is like you are being followe d by a parade of oppurtunity.. the sun is shining now.. and the new light brings your decaying body to life.

Tuesdays are thriving becasue of zen.. he keeps it fresh!

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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