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» Poem: Hero
written by pandora_thevamps_box
11:46 PM 2/10/05
Sitting on the edge
Of complete sanity
Wishing for some help and justice
That this world couldn't possibly have
Unable to think of right or wrong
I"m ready to fall
I want to go deep down where nothing hurts
Taking a breath of chaos
Letting go is the hardest part
With one slip more and I'll be gone
One look more at the bright blue sky
I take a step and begin to fall
But I haven't gone nowhere at all
Was this the answer I was waiting for?
Empowered to find who had saved me
I pull myself to my feet
A helping hand and a just heart
Saved my life before I could turn to dust
The only one capable of this was my hero

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
hi ummm like it ?

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