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» Poem: Cislunar...
written by Psychoace
05:00 AM 2/11/05
Lost in the Cislunar feeling this dysphoria...

I divagate my soul and then I am left to detrude the feelings in my heart,

Now filled with a new impuissance...

I bleed the rest of my life and soul into this hell hole I call my psyche,

Are you what keeps me here...

or what strands my soul ever so near,

pour on the foundation of love so that I might one day find its shelter so I can show you how I once felt for you...

I can feel you pull me,

It hurts but I can't live without it...

Feel me rape you,

It hurts but I can't live without you...

This black aura emiting from my soul for you,

is not lust...

It is my dark love that no one seems to understand,

I try to kill this pain by burying it in our love...

but it only seems, you do not know what it is,

It is the dark side of my love...

This race will not conform to this type of love,

but one day it will be known on a higher level...

that it is right, In the heart,

In the mind...

the dark side of the moon,

trapped in the Cislunar of it all..............

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
my soul crys out but you are not there to show your face to me........

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This Poem has been viewed 368 times

» Comments / Feedback
by XsouredXfaithX (2-11-2005 - 05:04 AM)
not to sound dumb but what is a cislunar?

by maledeth (2-11-2005 - 08:25 AM)
Well, Mr. Soured Faith....it means between Earth and Moon...BETWEEN!!!! And...one more question..what the fuck is up with all the new people flooding the poetry page?

by maledeth (2-11-2005 - 08:25 AM)
Oh...by the ways, good poem, ace, I always love to read your works.

by eternaldarkness (2-12-2005 - 05:46 PM)
It was really good. I love it . . .

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