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» Poem: I Thought I Hated You
I Thought I Hated You
written by boom_boom13
12:12 AM 2/14/05
Of all the stupid things I do,
I just had to fall in love with you.
Even from the way you talk to me,
Even from the way you won't let me be.

No matter how much I push you away,
You always intend to stay,
And from everything that isn't right,
We always end up in a fight.

But I always run back to you,
And you always take me in,
But I keep going blind
That going back to you is a sin.

I thought I hated you once,
I thought I hated you then,
But no matter what I always run back to you,
Even if it is a sin.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
once again....a friend wrote this...i told her she needed to get a username...lol. plz comment.

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This Poem has been viewed 118 times

» Comments / Feedback
by slice_my_wrist (2-14-2005 - 12:27 AM)
its better then my own [great so much confindence damn you alyssa] tell your friend she/he should keep writing!

by XxXkissmeHarDXxX (2-14-2005 - 01:43 AM)
thats sweet... i like it, it sounds like how i feel about one of my ex's... i cant ever get over him, thanx for writing a great poem

by JuanT (2-14-2005 - 03:52 AM)
man that was sweet of u 2 do that. i thought it was a lovely poem!

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