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» Poem: Shut up
Shut up
written by Misery
10:04 PM 7/13/04
why won't u shut up
why do u keep talking
to shut u up i have to scream
don't u fucking see
i am one who loves to be alone so why won't you leave me be
shut up just shut up
my rage inside is boiling bubbling and growing
taking up the rest of my days
if i say what i really need to say
i could never stay in this place....
keep my mouth shut you drive me inside
my anger keeps me company but i am going insane
JUst shut up leave me alone
why can't u see
why won't u leave me BE !!!

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
*Don't Judge Unless You Understand.*

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