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» Poem: I want him to like me
I want him to like me
written by seksiebeest
12:40 AM 2/17/05
I hate it when I like a guy
and he thinks you're the hot one
I can't even have a boyfriend
because that battle you've already won

I can't like a guy
without him liking you first
that's why guys don't like me
because between us
they always think I'm the worst

Ever since we were best friends
next to you, I've always been ugly
You've always been beautiful and fine
and I've always been fugly

We've always done everything together
I know we're best friends
but I wish to be better

When I'm around you
I feel all fat and huge
I'm fat and have nothing
you're skinny with big boobs

I can't even be the pretty one
with the rest of MY friends
I can't have friends just for me
either that or they come to an end

I'm just trying to say
I want a guy just for me
I don't want him to like you
I want him to like me!

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I know I love you Amber, but this is true!

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» Comments / Feedback
by randomlypokeablechick (2-17-2005 - 01:09 AM)
dude...that's rude. first of all, why r u telling everybody who looks at your poem (which has been 9 ppl so far and it's new!) and second of all that's got to make ur friend feel horrible....i know tht's how i'd feel if my best friend said tht 2 me...but yeah...

by TearzOfBlood (2-17-2005 - 03:13 AM)
i dissagree with you^^ it has a good point i mean haveing a best friend and people ignoreing you and going to her cuz shes so "perfect" and steals all the guys YOU meet and then dosent care...dosent apolagize..so if she feels bad about the poem...thats a good thing. hope to see more of your poems hun..

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