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» Poem: Needin to stop
Needin to stop
written by lifelessangel
12:12 AM 2/22/05
I need to stop,
I tell myself over and over again,
I want to but I can't
I try and it just doesn't work.

I need to stop,
It's drving me insane,
I don't want to carry on like this,
It's takin over me.

I need to stop,
I hurt everyone all the time,
I don't mean to,
I can't stop the lies.

I need to stop,
I'm crazy now,
I try so hard but it doesn't work,
It's takin over me.

I need to stop,
I shouldn't have all this pain,
I shouldn't have all these worries,
I can't bare this anymore.

I need to stop,
It's hurting me day by day,
I can't I can't,
The lies have taken over me.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
erm...don't think i like this

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» Comments / Feedback
by depressed_lil_angel (3-13-2005 - 05:29 PM)
u dont think u like this...why don't u like it cos its showing the real u the bad side of u the u that everyone of us hate..... cos ur admittin that everything u say is lies....all u do is lie .....u cant blame the lies u cant say the lies have taken over u cos its bullshit ur a natural born lier the only problem is ur not very good at it we all know u too well we can see through ur lies we know instantly that ur lyin lies haven't taken over u your just so use to lyin its become a habbit and u no longer know how to speak the truth

by lifelessangel (3-17-2005 - 07:39 PM)
beckie btw tht aint bout me tellin lies thts bout me wantin 2 stop cuttin so ur fukin rong, u always fukin get d rong idea wen u read my poems so it shows u cant c threw me.N stop leavin bitchy comments on my poems!

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