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» Poem: Hurtin you
Hurtin you
written by lifelessangel
12:44 AM 2/22/05
You say i'll never hurt you,
I know I will,
You think I'm perfect,
But deep down you know i'm not.

Your kiddin' yourself,
You wanna live in a simple world,
With no complication,
It isn't that easy.

You say you'll make me smile,
You might even succeed,
But deep down,
I'll be cryin inside.

To see u pretendin to be happy,
When I make you sad,
You'll become to feel useless,
That I wont let you in.

Keepin you out of my life,
You think I hate you,
I'm not sure,
I'm to scared to trust you.

You'll go into denial,
And think it's all your fault,
Then i'll see you crumble and fall,
I'm sorry.

I'm too scared to tell you my thoughts,
Too scared to tell you why i'm so sad,
I can't trust you,
Only 'cause i'll hurt you.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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This Poem has been viewed 111 times

» Comments / Feedback
by XxheartbrokenxX (2-22-2005 - 01:15 AM)
i know how you feel

by (guest) (2-22-2005 - 05:39 PM)
seems relevant to me~ its alex here by the way, since you won't talk to me on msn i'll just say it here lalala

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