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» Poem: The Caged Bird
The Caged Bird
written by Bloodfilledcinnabuns
10:35 AM 2/22/05
Please hear my call,
I need some help, Now!
No one carez about me,
I want to go away, please tell me how.

I want to disappear,
I want to go away.
People think I'm stupid,
why would i want to stay?

Please answer me,
and please tell me why,
birds walk away
when they can simply fly?

If I go and hide,
will you think less of me?
If I sing like a caged bird,
will u set me free?

Please let me go,
I promise I will not lie,
let me spread my wings,
let me go and fly.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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