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» Poem: forgotten angel
forgotten angel
written by Bloodfilledcinnabuns
11:17 PM 2/23/05
The Rain Falls Onto The Broken wings of a forgotten angel,
As The tears stream down her face,
She starts to remember that she had lost her grace,
The Tears in her eyes start to tell a story,
The story of her broken wings,
As the begins Rain sings,
A melody to the heart,
Is about an angel that the world forgot,
As the Peace Spreads across the air,
She remembers how no one was ever there,
As she sits Here afraid,
Her Angel starts to fade,
She was the one that paid,
But no one was there to even notice,
As her world got unfocused,
How Her world fell apart,
Just because no one was there from the start,
Her broken wings sit there in the rain,
And its the world she now blames,
For putting her in so much pain,
So this message goes out to you,
Because you didn't look behond,
What was there all along,
Her broken wings sit there in the rain,
Just because you didn't see her pain.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
tell me what you think

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This Poem has been viewed 359 times

» Comments / Feedback
by raw_silence420 (2-23-2005 - 11:23 PM)
this is a gorgeous poem. i love it and really get it. good job! -raw

by Bloodfilledcinnabuns (2-23-2005 - 11:27 PM)
Thanks alot i love hearing what people think it helps me make my self better i think but thats a lot really ~~Brittany~~

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