I am in a Ravers Paradise,
So why am i so sad?
I should be dancing and getting caught up in the music,
I should be kissing everyone and having fun,
I jsut want to take one pill and set my worries at ease,
Everytim i see a pill i think if I do it,
Ill be letting someon down,
But making one persons life better,
I dont know why i feel so alone,
When i have everyone around me,
i dont know why i feel so sad
When all i have to do is take one pill,
Why do I do this to myself,
Every month one after one i take my pills,
And month after month i feel lonly and used,
Every month i think to myself "this is the last one jsut one more wont hurt",
But I always fall back into habbit,
Why do I feel this way when Im in a Ravers Paradise. |