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» Poem: hot
written by sexyoxamuse87
07:07 PM 2/25/05
hot face
and nice slim waist
gourgis smile
perfect teeth
beutiful hair
she dosnt care
about anything at all
life so perfect
shes so great
shed be perfect for you to date
i wish i where like that
i really do
well sorry im not good enough for you
now im not pretty
not at all
with nappy hair
and fat everywhere
but my feelings are fragile
they are easy to hurt
espesially when others try to flirt
you say that girl is realy hot
and that im lucky for your love
i dont need this i allready know
that im not much to show
since youve done this
i now know
that you like to look at other girls more than you show
now i feel like a peice of shit
thanks so much
you fucking prick

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