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» Poem: Black tears
Black tears
written by piperneedshelp
05:58 AM 2/27/05
streaming down my face is whats left of my mascara
my tears are washing it away
i already look like hell, and this is just one more thing
you are causing the pain i have
if only there was a way to make you stop
is it possible to be just one person?
is it possible to not have to deal with the world?
its not that i hate the world
its that i hate the people
the people make it hell
hell on earth
what they do to me isnt fair
what they do in general is terrible
must it go on this way?
for future generations to suffer?
is it possible to change how things work?
i dont think so or it would have been done
so as the world goes on, no one notices
the comotion that only matters to one person
the feelings that are hurt every day
the tears always are falling
always hitting the floor
with no one noticing but that one person
and by the time the other person notices what they did,
its too late
the black tears have already been wiped away

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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