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» Poem: i am just a girl
i am just a girl
written by skulls
10:28 PM 2/27/05
I am just a girl
in a lonely world
full of pure and evil things

I am just a girl
in a big lonely world
and i cant seam to find a way out

I see the light
I see the dark
but nothing can mend
the wound of my heart
I am just a girl in a lonely wolrd born to this world
to die

I want to die
I want to live
why does everything have to be confussing
for i am just a girl
in a big big world just wanting love
but i am all alone

i am just a girl

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
well its kinds like a song but i make all my songs here into poems

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This Poem has been viewed 620 times

» Comments / Feedback
by depressed_lil_angel (2-28-2005 - 05:40 PM)
Great poem!......i would love to hear it as a song i think it would sound quite good....keep up the good work!.....luv bex..

by Tanasa_bg (3-5-2005 - 10:52 AM)
I like it. Da poem is good n u deffinatly have talant !!

by skulls (3-17-2005 - 11:00 PM)
awwwwwwwwwww thnak you

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