» Poem: Your Past |
Your Past
written by brokenxsmile01:28 AM 3/1/05I hate that you've had
All these one-night stands
I hate that you thought
It was third-grade to hold my hand
I hate that sex was why you dated her
And that your number is so high
I hate that you lost it so young
And I hate the reason why
All this is from your past
And your past is who you are
But I guess in your case it isn't true
For you exceed the expectations by far
One would expect you
To only care about getting laid
And one would think you would
Only use people for your own personal gain
But for some reason you're just the opposite
And I'm not saying this is bad
But the way you are doesn't make sense
And thinking about it makes me sad
Why are you so sweet and caring
So nice and insecure?
One would expect you to be different
Confident, cocky, and sure
Your past and who you turned out to be
Just simply don't add up
You're supposed to be an insensitive jerk
Not as innocent as a lost pup
I love you, you know I do
I'm just really, really scared
And I've never had anyone but you
Show me how much they cared
I'd never want to change you
I'm glad you turned out this way
So if it's true and the past is what makes you
I hope you never throw it away |
All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author. Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Again... not one of my best... but plz tell me what you think :) [ View brokenxsmile's Profile ] [ Go to the Poetry Portal ] This Poem has been viewed 467 times