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» Poem: You broke me.
You broke me.
written by perfect.flaws
10:39 PM 3/1/05
I've felt love.
For the very first time.

And once i felt it,
i couldn't let go.
I wouldn't, I couldn't,
And i still haven't.

Before you,
I told myself
I'd never allow to feel
the feeling of love.

But now it's too late.
To go back and change,
the unchangable.

Why did I do it.
Why did I love you.

I saw it coming,
the end of you and me.
But inside my head
I just went on
to ignore it.

You told me you would treat me right.
You told me that i deserved it.
Everynight you held me tight.
I wish you didn't.
I wish I'd never met you.
Or at least never allowe myself
to move so fast.

Those words you spoke
I'd never heard before,
And now you broke them,
you broke your promise,
and your trust.
Most of all You broke ME.

Why would you tell me the things that you did
when insde you knew
that they ment nothing to you.

It hurts me more than ever
to learn that you ment EVERYTHING to me.
But I ment NOTHING to you.

You hurt me more than i've hurt myself.
But now i've learned.

I've learned never to love
another again.

Some one
won't you please tell me
the point of love,
of relationships?
To get hurt, to feel lost,
To be broken inside and out?

You broke me.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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