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» Poem: Hidden
written by XpaperdollX
05:01 AM 3/3/05
Thoughts of death,
Ravish my dreams,
Often I have realized life isn’t always what it seems,
When shadows have captured us,
And are tears have run dry,
We look upon what we have been and often wonder why,
Peace was overcome by horror and hate,
Never hesitate to realize your fate,
We all start at birth,
So young and so pure,
But then we slowly grow to know there surly is not cure,
For the pain among us all,
For all the hurt inside,
For the feelings of depression,
Are the things we tend to hide,
Hate behind a smile,
Fear behind a laugh,
Mirror of reflection as we shroud are better half,
People think they know me,
But what I show is untrue,
If you had these thoughts,
Would you show the real you?

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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» Comments / Feedback
by Tessin (3-3-2005 - 05:02 AM)
very nifty

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