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» Poem: twilight garden
twilight garden
written by freakroses
07:02 PM 3/5/05
all that is lost, is not now yet found,
all that has been taken, has now not yet been returned,
all that is now gone, has not now yet been bought back,
and all that is in the twilight garden.
you cannot recover forgotten friends
you cannot recover spilt blood,
you cannot recover lost love,
but all are in the twilight garden

the twilight garden seeps pain and hatred all that are there were not ment to be,in a place of such death they wish to go back to roam the earth once again they didnt want to die but life didnt please them the twilight garden took them.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
you got to read it to understand it as its kinda confusing

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