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» Poem: The Seven Deadly Sins
The Seven Deadly Sins
written by Talk_is_cheap--so_am_I
03:47 AM 3/7/05
You are so self-centered
You are so jealous
You are so indulgent
You are so desiring
You are so furious
You are so covetous
You are so lazy

Not so selfless
Not so trusting
Not so fasting
Not so desireless
Not so happy
Not so unwanting
Not so hardworking

These are the things that will kill:

You are so sinful
As are we all

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I know this one is really queer, but I was forced to go to church today and so The Seven Deadly Sins was what the lesson was on. So whatever.

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