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» Poem: My book
My book
written by seksiebeest
12:49 AM 3/10/05
Silent tear drops
fall from my heart
as my so called "family"
tears it apart

It's kinda like a book
each member with a chapter
each chapter with their lives
as it ends faster and faster

As each page is torn out
each life falls down
little by little everyday
so I decorate my page my way

Is this my so called "family"
that I bragged was so together?!
I don't think it's a family at all
I think we could be better

My brother hates my sister
and my sister hates my brother
they light their chapters on fire
as so my mother and father

My older brother is drug addict
my sister lives is debt
my oldest sister had straight A's
and they want me to be the same

I'm my own person
This is my book
This is my family
who eachother
they want to shoot

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I wrote this about my familia, when I was pissed at all of them for being asses. I love them, but this is true!

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