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» Poem: Rape
written by cuttie
05:40 AM 3/11/05
how could some one be so haertless
how could they take away something that belongs to you
i mean if u wanted to give it up u would
but by force is just not right
it doesn't make sense
these pple who do this
they say u are their friend
so u invite them in
then one thing leads to another
and before u know it
it is gone
it happend to me
it happend to a friend
i don't know what to do
i think that is mean
how could they do that
how could they get away with it
are they sick in the head?
it doesn't seem right
it was mine to give to whom i chose
but yet now it is gone
and i know longer have it
to give it away
i don't know what i should do
but forgive you

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
touchy subject i know but it is out there and it does happen to people
please comment

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This Poem has been viewed 119 times

» Comments / Feedback
by emilly (3-11-2005 - 05:42 AM)
my beliefs are very different and wierd, but i don't believe that if ur raped ur nt a virgin anymore. it wasn't ur fault so it doesn't count. u can still be a virgin nd if u don't feel rite calling urself a virgin u can be a secondary virgin but i think ur still a virgin anyways.

by slavement_girl (3-11-2005 - 05:43 AM)
I know how you feel, It happened to me too..... and I wanted to kill myself

by cuttie (3-11-2005 - 05:48 AM)
i don't think any one should have ot go through that and i'm sorry u had to through it and my friend and myself but i guess they were just crazy

by (guest) (3-30-2005 - 11:09 PM)
Forgive, don't forget

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