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» Poem: Inside my head
Inside my head
written by Bloodfilledcinnabuns
01:46 AM 3/12/05
inside my head he is screaming
but you can't here him
only i can it drives me insane
all you ask is are you okay?
i tell you what do you think
you've tried to take my to the crazy place
inside my head i am dieing
no ones there to save me
the cuts get deaper
when you see the boold you ask what happen
i just walk away and say its not like you care.
but inside my head i just want to be love by someone
it just comes out because he tells me to say what i say
inside my there he is

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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» Comments / Feedback
by pyrokiller55 (3-12-2005 - 01:48 AM)
Nice. That was good.

by Bloodfilledcinnabuns (3-12-2005 - 02:23 AM)

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