» Poem: Being witout you |
Being witout you
written by Ucantsaveme1401:21 PM 3/12/05Just the thought...
Of being without you..
Turns my heart to stone.
The pain goes deep inside of me..
Burning every inch of my heart.
Cant go on without you.
You are my one and only love.
My brain is crashing..
I am falling apart!
I need you..
I need you holding me in your arms..
Knowing we will be together....
If this does not happen...
My whole body will crash...
I will have a break down.
I will be lost!
Lost in a world without you:( |
All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author. Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I may have to move to sanfransico away from my babi brian:( and move away from everyone i love:(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im sooo friggen upset! [ View Ucantsaveme14's Profile ] [ Go to the Poetry Portal ] This Poem has been viewed 101 times