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» Poem: Stereotype
written by xfadingmemoriesx
03:12 AM 3/13/05
you stereotype me,
but you don't even know me.
you've never seen the things i have,
you've NEVER SEEN.

you can spread all the rumors,
i assure you i don't care.
when they're hushed i'll still be here,
i'm sorry if that isn't fair.

your weak mind cannot cope,
with the wisdom of the strong.
one day you'll look back and realize,
what you've done was wrong.

life has been handed to you,
you sleep on a bed of roses.
i'm afraid you'll never realize,
what pain my mind imposes.

if everything you receive,
is everything you want..
as the world turns, you'll remember,
the people you've returned to haunt.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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This Poem has been viewed 266 times

» Comments / Feedback
by vicious_cutter (3-13-2005 - 03:57 AM)
I can relate to this poem because one of my ex-friends is spreading rumors about me. I like the poem, keep up the good work.

by (guest) (3-13-2005 - 05:49 AM)
This poem is very depressing, but not in a bad way. I know everyone can relate to this. If people would take the time to get to know others, maybe there would be less critisizing and all that crap in this world, no?

by XsouredXfaithX (3-15-2005 - 11:03 PM)
:) i like it and i wrote one similar to it but good job :)

by xXlove+hateXx (3-18-2005 - 07:12 AM)
omg, i love ur poems! this one was really good. thats funny cuz i just cussed this s.o.b. out cuz of that same situation. well, i cant wait to hear ur next one!

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