» Poem: Just Pissin' Off Some Teeny-Boppers |
Just Pissin' Off Some Teeny-Boppers
written by TAINTEDSOULisBACK08:03 AM 3/13/05Call me gothic, laugh in my face, assign me to a black-clad angst race, put the razor blade firm in my hand, why don't you slit my wrist for me too? Wouldn't that be grand! These words you put in my mouth taste like shit, now I know why you never swallow, just spit, you whore. Is your life such a bore, that you continue to torture me? Well, not anymore! I refuse to let you be a hypocrit! I refuse to take your shit! You say I am goth because I dress in black? That I am like this due to Manson, and little social contact? Making me sound like a ignorant teen? Fresh from the idiot factory, pre-assembled mind still intact? No! I frown upon the majority of my generation, fuck them for pretending to worship Satan, fuck them for giving me an unwanted name, and fuck them for leaving me, on the spot, to take all the blame. "Give a shout to rebellion, and give conformity the boot..." Goddamn, your rant is such a fucking hoot. Conformity is all there is, get used to life, all you "goth" kids pick up your knives, all the "punks" get your skateboards, and the "emo" kids grab your boats, because this will make you cry enough tears to need something that floats... Are there any others out there that feel the way I do? Do you feel cramped, being stuffed in the same shoes, as everyone else? Probably not.. who am I kidding? Anyone like that probably isn't living... But if, perchance, you are, comment on this poem, before I go to far. Oops. Too late. I pissed some teeny-boppers off, but they don't know me, all they can do is scoff. My last words of hatred are this, back off bitch. I am not one of your stupid ass monikers, I am merely a teen, with a tad bit of freak in her. In fact, refer to me as the Freak. I like the sound of that. Oh my God, a contradiction... And with that, I tip my hat. |
All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author. Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Lol. I was pissed off. And I'm tired of being called gothic... lmao. What in the fucking world is gothic? Wearing black? Sneering? Drinking blood? Lol... I don't really care what you call me, but my peers have taken this goth/emo/punk shit too far. It's fucking ridiculous. Again, I ask, why couldn't I have been born 15 years earlier...? [ View TAINTEDSOULisBACK's Profile ] [ Go to the Poetry Portal ] This Poem has been viewed 182 times
» Comments / Feedback | by Auto-Bunny (3-13-2005 - 11:34 AM)
I like your poem..it is great! I hate how people nowadays put labels on you when all u r doing is trying to be comfortable in y our own skin and find your self...FUCK the ppl who are going to put you ina category like jeopardy or something....who are they to pick who you are? I love how you think!!! And I totally agree! |