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» Poem: It stops the pain
It stops the pain
written by Ucantsaveme14
12:07 AM 3/14/05
Tears streaming down my face..
My heart cant get back to the same pace
My tears are black like my heart.
This pain doesnt go away..
My soul is bleeding
My eyes are fadeing..
I am lost..
I need this pain to go away.
Nothing works..
The blade gets rid of it all..
It always cathes my fall..
Sitting in the dark corner of my room.
My arms curled around my knees..
Holding the blade...
The moon shines into my room..
Reflecting off the blade.
I need this to fade.
Holding the blade to my wrist..
I kiss your picture goodbye..
Im ending this right now..
Now and forever...
I need this non stop pain..
To end.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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