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» Poem: Questions
written by cuttie
04:35 PM 3/14/05
How come things are the way they are?
What if Atom and Ever didn't eat the apple?
How would things be different?
Would we have to ice and harmony?
Would we have the things we have today?
Would we walk around with out clothing?
Would anyone care?
Would we be albe to talk to animals?
what would they have to say?
Are they happy with their lives?
would we have ever gone into space?
Walked on the moon?
are we bound to this life?
is there a plae beyond death?
Is there a heaven and a hell?
what if you don't fit in either plae?
Wear would you go then?
How came things are the way they are?

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
these are just some questions on my mind do u have them too? please comment

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» Comments / Feedback
by AmY_LeE_FaN (3-14-2005 - 04:53 PM)
There is heaven. There is hell. Everyone will go to either one or the other. There is no in-between. If you ask God into your life then you will go to heaven. good questions. Hope this helps you answer them

by (guest) (3-31-2005 - 12:30 AM)
Heaven is for the perfect, Jesus was the only perfect one. If there was nowhere else He would be the only one in heaven. Thus God made Purgatory, that is why we pray for the dead, if they are in heaven they don't need it and if they are in hell it can't help so there must be a third place. This is a place where we atone for sins commited. Without it we would all go to hell. There is also a place called limbo or Abramham's bosom which I won't get into here.

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