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» Poem: That Girl.. What A Freak.
That Girl.. What A Freak.
written by Josh_x
07:50 AM 3/17/05
Tears sliding down her pale face
As you all say such cruel words
If only you knew
The pain she goes through
Muttering words of hate
As she walks down the halls
She never smiles
Did you ever wonder why?
She slices her wrists
Afraid to come back to school
Afraid of all of your harsh words
Her mum doesn't care
Her dad died
She was raped
Raped of all innocence
Do you still care to make fun of her?
Is this still just a big joke?
Go on with your lives
Do not stop when you see her
Sitting outside the cousellors office
Head in her hands
As she continues to cry silent tears
One day
I will take her hand
As i wipe away all of her tears
I will fight away all of her fears.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Hm. I wrote this about a girl at my school..

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This Poem has been viewed 360 times

» Comments / Feedback
by Starry_Nyght (3-17-2005 - 11:05 AM)
Someone's been listening to Evanescence. But I liked it anyway. Reminded me of High School.

by black_heart_emo_girl (3-19-2005 - 07:26 PM)
i know you don't know me and i don't go to your school, but that girl really sounds like me. my dad kinda died. he died in the fact that i don't even know him, and he's never around. he's dead to me. and i haven't been raped in that sense, but i have been raped of my self-esteem and everything like that. but apart from those two points, the girl in the poem is like, a perfect description of how i was at my last high school. i'm in a different one now though, and it's a lot better

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