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» Poem: Nothing
written by Scythe42
03:55 AM 3/18/05
I let my guard down for you,
You betrayed me,
You had a hidden knife in your pocket,
Just waiting for a chance to slice me open,
Your hand was already on the sheath,
I can't believe you,
I won't believe you,
I gave up everything for you,
You humiliated me,
You rejected me,
You killed me,
And for that I shall kill you,
But first I shall let you suffer,
For all the time I let you in,
You were killing me from the inside out,
Just eating away my soul,
Until there was nothing left of me,
I am nothing,
I am nothing to you,
Nothing to anyone,
I shall close the door and lock away the key,
I shall cover myself with iron,
No one can slice me open anymore,
It's not like anyone would try,
Because they see nothing there,
You made me nothing.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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» Comments / Feedback
by HoRnY_pYrO (3-18-2005 - 03:58 AM)
awesome i like it

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