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» Poem: This Half Lie
This Half Lie
written by Scythe42
03:58 AM 3/18/05
Why do people have to lie,
To abuse the niceness I gave them,
The advantage I gave,
I let him take a shot,
And he put a dagger of lies in my heart,
It's still there,
I cannot pull it out on my own,
I have to get help,
But no one will help me,
No one will save me,
Then again, I don't want to be saved,
But yet I'm still alive,
With this dagger of lies stuck in my heart,
I am living a half life,
Not alive but not yet dead,
Can't it be one or the other,
But not both,
Please god,not both.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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