Sympathy is something we can't explain,
it goes along with misery and pain,
god,why can't you just let us die,
it's not like we wanted to be here in the first place,
to live in this awful place called a home,
where everyone thinks you're insane,
just because you want to get out of this jail cell called a body,
and free your soul once and for all,
let's not just wait until we fall,
that would waste the time we could have,
to mend our hearts and open our souls,
to make the world cold,
so that the warm won't melt the planet,
and boil it into love and hate,
for if we mix it all together,
we could have an even more corrupted world,
where the line would be broken between black and white,
so we could not know the difference between peace and war,
god,why can't we just die right now,
i will thank you once i get into heaven,
for all the pain that i've been through,
can't i just give up,
and leave this life of mine behind,
and create a new spirit where i actually feel love,
i've had this feeling in my stomach for so long,
i once thought it was love but i was totally wrong,
it was only regret,pain,and misery,
please,just kill me right now,
you can cut off my head when i bow,
to thank you for beginning a new life for me,
for ending my pain and misery,
why does everyone think death's so bad,
to not know of the other life you could have had,
it's not like it could be more sad,
than the life you are living today,
maybe it could take all your sorrow and throw it away,
throw it into someone else's happy life,
make it their problem you don't have to bother with,
for the sorrow will not leave my empty soul,
because there's nothing else to fill it up,
except for regret and guilt,
and that numb feeling i've felt,
i remember the days that i've wanted to die,
or at least wash away myself and cry,
i wonder why i think such painful things,
that make my heart cringe and make my guilt want to sing,
all i know is that there is a better alternative,
than what i am thinking of,
so please,convince me not to die,
show me that people care about me and maybe i'll be able to cry,
and wash away all my pain and misery,
for i truly don't want to die,
even though i might think it,
and maybe i'll even try. |