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» Poem: ? (please comment)
? (please comment)
written by mychemromance
05:39 AM 3/18/05
What the fuck do you want me to be?
Are you so narrow minded that you can't see?
People have the right to be who they want,
Without some jackass who has to taunt.
You think you're so perfect.
So handsome.
So cute.
Well fuck you and your looks.
They make me want to shoot.

Stop acting tough, because you just a wimp.
If you don't shut up, you'l have a limp.
I'll cut off your leg, and feed it to the sheep.
That memory you can fucking keep.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I have NO idea where that come from. I just started typing. I guess I need to change my bio to VERY sadistic.

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» Comments / Feedback
by ForEverLonley (3-18-2005 - 05:45 AM)
hmm...how nice......i'm not sure if i understand wut ur writing...but good job *Renae

by Suicidal_Amber (3-18-2005 - 06:07 AM)
Really good, I know a person im going to show this poem to that will really relate to it. Good Job! - Amber -

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