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» Poem: A father daughter Bond
A father daughter Bond
written by xXlove+hateXx
10:17 AM 3/18/05
father, ur never there,
momma says u love us,
even tho u dont show that u care,
i always wanted to have a normal family,
one that goes on vacations,
ones who skip along happily,
it makes me stressful to be around you,
im not good enough for u,
u deny that im ur daughter,
unless theres something u want me to do,
u yell at me and im crying
because of the hurtful things u say,
momma yelled at u cuz
a father doesnt talk to their daughter that way.
and i donno if they do or dont cuz
ur the only father ive ever had,
some people dont even have a father
so i guess i should be pretty glad.
but im not even welcome in my own home,
sometimes i catch myself wishing that u were gone,
i plan life without u,
im sorry to say this,
but everything momma said about u was true.
i still wonder if u do love me,
it doesnt seem like it
cuz u always turn ur back on me.
funny that i should be saying about turning backs,
u still hate me for calling the cops
when u were hitting momma,
my loyalty for u i lack.
but momma doesnt have enough money
to move away from u,
since she has 4 other kids too.
but it hurts to have this strange bond,
when the same fights that have been going on,
have been going on for so long.
daddy i hate u, but i love u too.
but im sorry daddy, ur tearing me apart,
i have to get away from u.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
poem about my dad and me

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» Comments / Feedback
by xfadingmemoriesx (3-18-2005 - 10:20 AM)
that's really sad. :( I have a dad too, my dad's nice, I hope your dad will see one day, that you tried so hard to make him proud, and that he just pushed you away like that. :)

by mishy0077 (3-18-2005 - 10:55 AM)
i know how you feel. My dads always screaming and he sits around all day doin nutin and gettin my sis and i to run around doing shit for him all the time

by ayriel_7 (3-19-2005 - 12:16 AM)
i know how you feel and i like it like how in my poem i said my dad is never around well when he is im not good enough for him and i don't get the right grades i didn't do the dishes in time or every thing i do its never good enough for him...

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