» Poem: today wasnt his day! |
today wasnt his day!
written by di3dtrying02:13 AM 3/19/05Today just wasnt his day,
but i knew it when the nurse had to say, i need to talk to you.
My whole life froze
as i arose from my seat trying to hide my tears.
The nurses exact words were,
Im sorry but he is gone.
I fell back against my chair, took a deep breath,
and yelled that isnt fair.
His mother tried to comfort me,
as she sobbed twice as hard.
Bothe of us were covered in tears, when i told her
that i knew today wasnt his day!
the next day was rough ,
i tryed to think things through.
I talked to you like you were there,
I asked you how could this happen to you?
I waited for an answer
as i thought, is it true?
Maybe today was your day,
and it happened to proove how much i love you.
I started the day by crying,
i ended it that way too.
The tears came each and every hour,
each and every day.
The reason for his death?
no one knows.
Bit i did know something.
Your death death did give me one thing.
A reason to love and never forget.
and tears of love are stronger than tears of regret!
And that is why I will never forget
that depressing day that shouldnt of been yours! |
All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author. Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I had an english assignment about writing an elegy and this is what i came up with! i thought it was depressing so i added it! [ View di3dtrying's Profile ] [ Go to the Poetry Portal ] This Poem has been viewed 502 times