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» Poem: |*I'll Be There*| PLEASE COMMENT!!!
|*I'll Be There*| PLEASE COMMENT!!!
written by xXlove+hateXx
03:32 AM 3/19/05
when everything starts to fall apart,
when u find urself stopping even before u start,
i'll be there.
when someone wants to bring u down,
it worked and it made u feel like a clown,
i'll be there.
when u find urself in trouble,
when u wanna talk cuz everybody made it double,
i'll be there.
when u find urself goin crazy
and theres nothing u can do,
when u need a shoulder to cry on,cuz uve been blu,
i'll be there.
when love breaks ur heart and u need to let it out,
when ur sitting alone and ur whispering a shout,
i'll be there.
when i kno im feeling down,
and i stop and look around,
ur always there.
when nobody seems to understand,
and i try to reach out for a hand,
ur always there.
so ill be there for u,
cuz ur always there for me,
thru thick and thin, at eachothers side,
down for any tough ride,
always there.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
i was just remembering how good it was to have a best friend

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This Poem has been viewed 97 times

» Comments / Feedback
by lifeisaninjury (3-19-2005 - 03:36 AM)

by respectme4whoiam18 (3-19-2005 - 03:36 AM)
wow, u must have a big heart? :)

by xfadingmemoriesx (3-19-2005 - 03:47 AM)
it's beautiful. I wish I could have that kinda friendship.

by (guest) (3-19-2005 - 04:01 AM)
it was pretty good,but it realy dosnt effect me.the only person that it really effects is the person youre writing about...sorry!

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