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» Poem: dance on hopes
dance on hopes
written by devilchild01
10:22 PM 3/22/05
Dance upon our hopes and dreams.
All my thoughts will come and go,
But you will stay with me forever.
Miss a step, you're out of flow.

My heart isn't beating,
But the clock is still ticking.
Beat it while it is down,
Hey, thats my heart you're kicking.

Dance upon our hopes and dreams,
All my thoughts will come and go,
But you will stay with me forever.
Miss a step, you're out of flow.

The X will mark the spot
Where you let your smile fade.
Of all your love that left,
There's just a little that stayed.

Dance upon our hopes and dreams.
All my thoughts will come and go,
But you will stay with me forever.
Miss a step, you're out of flow.

So always we are here,
Dancing to the dead beat.
Promise me something please,
We'll pick a place to meet.

Dance upon all hopes and dreams...

But you will stay forever...

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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