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» Poem: workS besT wheN it'S brokeN
workS besT wheN it'S brokeN
written by MintyFreshGirl
07:10 AM 3/24/05

* This heart of mine,
it works best when it's broken
it pumps the red life-syrup
through slits for skin to soak in

This voice of mine, *
it works when I'm not choking
on salt and blood and bitter thorns
of words I haven't spoken

* This mind of mine,
it works best when it's open
un-hinging in the darkness
of secrets it's been cloaked in

This soul of mine, *
it works just like a token
trade it in for some cheap prize
before its worth has soaked in

* These dreams of mine,
these dreams remain unbroken
but I am waiting for the day
when I will be awoken. *

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
HELLO KIND PERSON! This poem feels better if read outloud. Comments would be AWESOME.

*Thanks for reading and commenting!*

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by just_nikki_21 (3-25-2005 - 07:55 AM)

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