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» Poem: bloody beauty queen(plz comment)
bloody beauty queen(plz comment)
written by Ev0l_sin#TRIP
04:08 AM 3/25/05
hey there beauty queen
with mascara lipstick blood
they give you all those pretty words
but they never fit like they should
you give out fake uforia
to make you look so glorious
but in the shadows you slit your wrists
a barbie doll ,with a wretched twist
your eyes shine like diamonds
and you've a heart of gold
bleeding out of kindness
always do what your told
your mascara lipstick blood,
is running just like tears
causing the most gorgous flood
they will talk about for years
you weren't programmed to feel pain
beauty ,grace, your all the same
you see your downfall in the midst
blade to skin, a lovely trist
never let them see your cuts
keep on being they're object of lust
you seem perfect to every one
and still in your hand
lies a gun

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
i looked up trist,and it means,a meeting of lovers,i m not just making words up,and i know i fucked up the spelling,so tell me what you think

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This Poem has been viewed 159 times

» Comments / Feedback
by for_future_use42 (3-25-2005 - 04:19 AM)
I absolutely loved this poem. Wow. I don't usually gush about others poetry, but U HAVE IT!! This reminds me of this song "perfect paper doll" its by a local band, so i'm not sure you've heard of it. ... i'm rambling, but wow!!!

by Inuyashas_only__forever (3-25-2005 - 04:30 AM)
WOW this is awesome you need this thing published this is one of the best poems i have read in a while and it makes scence (soore ie cant spel lol)

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