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» Poem: love and hate and a one way street
love and hate and a one way street
written by emo to the skibbies
12:17 AM 7/29/04
i hated you with a passion
that eluded into a love i meet
these two emotions clashin'
two directions and a one way street

here i find myself with no map to use
looking back and forth at on coming traffic
just wondering witch way to choose
why must you pack your bags with havoc

were going somewhere, to hell? or to the moon?
why must you make me so confused?
been asking since three days past noon
while you've taken everything to be abused

the fine line between love and hate
please tell me where this will lead
just tell me before it's too late
give me a map thats all we need

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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» Comments / Feedback
by Psycho_Penguin (7-29-2004 - 12:37 AM)
Nice poem... I like the whole 'two drections on a one way street' phrase.

by ruler_of_the_wolves (11-23-2004 - 09:18 PM)
good poem...i no wot u mean by love nd hate bein the same thing..u might hate sum 1 4 hurting u nd messing up ure life.nut it dusnt stop u lovin them, my m8s dont understand that

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