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» Poem: Rainshower Kiss
Rainshower Kiss
written by Psycho_Penguin
12:32 AM 7/29/04
The rain falls,
Playing softly on my face,
Soaked through,
I hold my place...

And you step close,
Pull your arms around,
Saying you love me,
Without a sound.

I look in your eyes,
Twin pools of infinty,
Glancing deeply,
Peering through me.

And I am as transparent,
As each drop that falls,
Though I'm surrounded,
With my opaque walls...

Hair plastered...
Dripping wet,
I wouldn't trade this,
You can bet...

And your lips grow close,
As your eyes fall away,
You creep closer...
And I want to stay...

Lips pressed,
Your hand behind my head,
The perfect moment,
Nothing needs to be said.

Dark and dreary,
Though we shine...
Our rainshower kiss...
Yours and mine...

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
God if only that would happen... Heh.

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This Poem has been viewed 167 times

» Comments / Feedback
by emo to the skibbies (7-29-2004 - 12:39 AM)
awww this is such a beautiful poem

by XxheartbrokenxX (7-29-2004 - 10:00 PM)
awww......I like that poem it's soooo sweet.

by (anonymous) (11-7-2004 - 01:05 AM)
I like your poems they are really nice

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