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» Poem: Memories
written by Scythe42
08:37 PM 3/27/05
Memories are all we have,
The good and bad,
The happy and sad,
Without memories there would be chaos among humanity,
People would fall on the edge of insanity,
Memories are fragile,
So delicate and breakable,
Like lumps of sugar dissolved in water,
Like cereal sitting in a bowl of milk,
Delicate like the petals of a rose,
People rely on memory so much,
They should not depend on them to a degree of such,
There is only so much looking back you can do,
Or else you won't have a chance to look foward,
For you would be stuck in the past,
Relying on memories to guide you,
To try and fix the mistakes you've made,
But it will only make it worse and stab you with a blade,
Sometimes you can't hang on to memories,
For they will drop you like an anchor at sea,
And keep you there and leave you be,
Memories will forget you if you hang on too long,
They will forget you,
No matter what you think,

Forget all those memories before they forget you.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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