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» Poem: Fuck You.
Fuck You.
written by Josh_x
01:24 PM 3/29/05
I fucking hate you
You never really cared
You thought it was everyone elses fault
But you did this to yourself
Why'd you take that knife?
Why'd you take your life?
Was it really all that hard to live
You don't even know what pain is
You thought it was so cool
To cut yourself at school
You thought noone cared
Even when they screamed
With tear filled eyes
We all told you to stop
Did you actually want to die?
Or did you just want some fucking attention
If thats what you wanted
You sure as hell got it
Everyone cared
Why couldn't you?
Your pain ended
But mine has just increased
Did you think i wouldn't cry?
Did you think i wouldn't rethink suicide?
Were you even thinking at all?
Your life is gone
I wish you were right
When you said noone cared.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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» Comments / Feedback
by black_heart_emo_girl (3-29-2005 - 01:33 PM)
awww hun, that made me cry. plz don't commit suicide. that would be the worst thing in the world. you don't need to go down that road. if it doesn't work you'll just be in hospital and seeing psychologists and stuff. please don't do anything you'll regret. do you think i won't cry?

by crazee_native54 (3-29-2005 - 01:35 PM)
I think dat dis poem iz intense an I totally understand dat kina pain.

by Veneda666 (3-29-2005 - 02:27 PM)
Thats really good I like it alot.

by joeslady2004 (3-29-2005 - 02:39 PM)
that was one of the best poems I have ever read on here before! U r a reeally good poet! Keep trying! :)

by jack (3-29-2005 - 03:10 PM)
FUCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by (guest) (3-29-2005 - 03:45 PM)
I'm sorry you lost someone you really cared about, but if you commited suicide someone would be mad at you for commited suicide aswell, and they might do it and the person who cares about them might do it.. and pretty soon the whole world will die.. Theres got to be someone else you might care about to stay alive for so they stay alive too and dont commit suicide. So If you ever think of doing suicide again, just think about all the people your hurting.

by (guest) (3-29-2005 - 03:45 PM)
commiting* S

by (guest) (3-29-2005 - 03:46 PM)

by (guest) (4-18-2005 - 02:13 PM)
that poem is the best thing ive read in a long time. josh, i want to get to know u. luvin_dru18@yahoo.com

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