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» Poem: Let me tell You
Let me tell You
written by DaFriendDatUnevaHad
04:49 PM 3/29/05
It took me months to tell you i loved you back
now it may take month's for me to say i dont love you
The pain is healing.....how did i do it?...u ask....I moved on because i knew there were better then you.....you thought i would cry and wait for u to come back and save me.....well guess what nikka i aint waitin for you....i've moved on....I've found better......U said i wouldn't but i did....yeah you were a good boyfriend i will never forget anything u taught me and all the things you told me......You were the best of boyfriend but i have moved on sorry to say but i have moved on and found better.But i still got love for you as a friend and i will continue to be here for you.

::Dedicated to mah ex bf G::

U were da best but i have found better

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Love is an experience u will never remember.U may get hurt n b happy.but datz da way love is so get used to you.when you get older you will find the one to make you cry but not of sadness but of happiness.

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