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» Poem:

written by phone_addict
12:47 AM 3/31/05
Don't tell me you've forgotten
All the things that we've said.
"We'll always be together.
Just come rest your head."

Don't tell me you believe
That I hated you.
You're the one I want -
You are my boo.

Am I destined to believe
What others say?
Am I doomed to remember
What came my way?

They said you didn't like me.
They said you didn't care.
They even said you hated
The color of my hair.

Before I beg,
Is what they said true?
Are we going to end this with
"I love you"?

If the rumors are real
and the promises are lies,
I might not live,
I won't survive.

You changed my world around,
You made me see the light.
Since the day I met you,
I loved you with all my might.

This one guy, he said,
I was a one-night stand.
He said I was there
to impress your band.

Please tell me the truth,
I'm dying to know:
Is our relationship true
Or am I only for show?

I don't want to get hurt,
I don't want to cry,
But baby, tell me it's wrong
Or else I'll die.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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