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» Poem: broken reflection(peez comment)tank ew
broken reflection(peez comment)tank ew
written by Ev0l_sin#TRIP
12:27 AM 4/1/05
i wish that broken mirror
showed how i used to be
and that that broken reflection
showed a softer me
with a different reality
a different person with no scars
and no bad memories
someone without a broken heart
and can look back on pleasentries
the room seems darker when i am me
looking out to that colorless sea
i can still see that broken mirror
this NOW image getting clearer
no innoscence left in the world
where love is the hated word
pains the only thing we're reasured
as it all becomes a blur
the noise in my head shatters the glass
opening the portal of my past
seeing the mirror that is gashed
reminds me that this will last
in that mirror that is busted
with the corners blood color rusted
looking at me with crusifiction
with the painful NOW description

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
i really don't know what im doing eiththis one,i m not sure if i like it,theres some good lines in there and some dumb ones,tell me what you think!!

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