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» Poem: Blame Me
Blame Me
written by Scythe42
07:30 PM 4/1/05
There's no where to run anymore,
There's no where to hide,
There's no one to blame anymore,
This was all my fault,
I just couldn't think that way before,
I just couldn't see it,
But now color has come into my world,
And now I finally realize,
This was all my fault,
Not anyone else's,
How could I blame people that were so innocent,
How could I be so stupid,
But now I see them,
From behind their own reserve,
Why couldn't I realize this before,
This was all my fault,
This was all my doing,
I can't believe I believed such a thing,
This was all my fault,
This was all my doing,
Why couldn't I see it before,
Why couldn't I realize it before,
Never believe anything you hear.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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